How We Help You To Recover Your Unpaid Invoices
“We will teach you how to recover unpaid invoices using the courts, without having to incur the cost of instructing a solicitor or using a debt collector.
In short, we teach you how to use the courts to recover the money you are owed.”
We Are Specialists In Using The Courts For Debt Recovery
Many businesses claim to be a one stop solution for all your problems. We don’t. We specialise in teaching you to use the courts for debt claims to pursue your unpaid invoices. There will be times when the debtor disputes the sum claimed so we also teach how to handle small claims disputes.
If you have a complicated or high value claim, you should seek legal advice from a specialist in that particular area such as a solicitor or direct access barrister.
Why Learn?
Many businesses outsource collection of their unpaid invoices to debt collection agencies or solicitors, usually because of a lack of experience or confidence in following the court process themselves. There really is no need to pay someone to issue court proceedings for you on straight forward claims, once you know what you are doing.
Our training courses are prepared and delivered by our trainer who has over 15 years hands on experience of conducting business litigation in the civil courts. We speak in plain English and avoid legal jargon.
We make learning easy by delivering the courses to you online.
What We Cover
Our training courses teach you what you need to know including:
– preparing a letter of claim and other steps before issuing proceedings
– preparing the claim form
– issuing proceedings at court
– requesting judgment in default (obtaining the CCJ)
– dealing with admissions, part admissions and instalment orders
– completing a small claims directions questionnaire
– offers of settlement and small claims mediation
– preparation for a small claim trial, including preparing witness evidence and documents
– conducting a small claims trial
– how to use the methods of enforcement to recover payment of a CCJ
We will go through the forms and explain what you need to know, to run claims yourself to recover payment of your unpaid invoices.
What We Don’t Do
We cannot advise you on the merits of a specific claim or the law that applies. If you require that kind of advice, we strongly recommend that you consult a solicitor.
We are not a firm of solicitors or regulated by the SRA.
We will not teach you how to deal with disputed court claims that are dealt with by the courts outside of the small claims track. If you have a disputed claim for a sum in excess of £10,000, we strongly advise you to consult a solicitor as in those types of claim, the loser is usually ordered to pay the winner’s legal costs. Those costs could be significant. Who “wins” is not a straight forward question as aside from the decision at trial, the court will need to take into account offers made during the litigation, attempts to settle and the conduct of the parties. These are all issues you are best to ask a solicitor to advise you on.
We will explain in some detail the option of small claims mediation. There are other options available to pursue debts and resolve disputes, other than issuing County Court proceedings. Other options include insolvency proceedings, mediation, adjudication, arbitration and expert determination. We do not teach these other options and should you want to understand these, we advise you to speak to a solicitor.